July 20, 2015
Brothers & Sisters,
I have great news to share with our members, especially those who chose not to participate in our Voluntary Separation Program (VSP). We have had numerous conversations with the Company and have reached an agreement to have an additional enrollment window for employees who would like to take the VSP at this time. The Company will be sending an e-mail to all eligible employees notifying them of their eligibility and providing them with information regarding the additional enrollment window. This additional enrollment will run from July 27 to August 4, 2015. Employees interested will need to fill out an enrollment form at the HR Service Center and then they will receive an Acknowledgement Letter. The Acknowledgement Letter will need to be returned to the Company no later than 4:00pm on August 6, 2015. Members registering during this additional enrollment will roll off the Company records on September 30, 2015.
NOTE: Employees who had not withdrawn from the VSP prior to July 17, 2015 will not be eligible to register under this additional enrollment window. This agreement is in accordance with an addendum to the Letter from contract negotiations concerning the VSP signed October 28, 2014.
Members have come to me and their Committeemen and Stewards asking us to have a second VSP enrollment window. We have heard you and have responded with this new opportunity for you. Carefully weight your options when deciding on whether or not to sign up. This will be your FINAL opportunity to participate! All of the requirements that were in place for the previous VSP window are still in effect.
Yours in Solidarity,
Chris Owens, President
UAW Local 1069
Below is information pertaining to the Health Assessment Program
The Boeing Health Assessment program has been in place for several years and many of our Boeing co-workers have taken advantage of the program to make smarter life style choices and improve their overall health. By tracking and addressing various health matters, members have been able to lower their blood pressure, lose weight, stop smoking, and other issues, at their own pace.
We will begin using the Health Assessment program as part of our insurance coverage for members and their spouses on Thursday, July 23, 2015. Members will be notified of this date as well as information on their participation in the program through several methods, including the Between The Blades information handout covered in morning meetings, the Company Plasma Screen system, and by mail at home.
There are several aspects of the program that will involved both the member and their spouse. Smoking cession programs are part of the assessment and members and their spouses will need to participate in a counseling program to stop smoking. Failure to do so will result in an increase in insurance cost-sharing costs.
Philadelphia site screenings will take place between July 21st and October 1st. To schedule your on-site screening and learn more about the Step By Step program, log-on to Total Access and click My Well Being.
Dates, time and location are as follows
July 21& 22 6:00am to 2:00 pm 3-02 PER Rm July 23 2:00 pm to 5:00 pm 3-02 PER Rm July 28 2:00 pm to 5:00 pm 3-61 PMO Conf Rm B7 July 29 & 30 6:00 am to 2:00 pm PMO Conf Rm B7