August 17, 2018
Dear Brothers and Sisters, We would like to inform all members that there will be two financial planning seminars held at our union hall. The first one will be held on Wednesday, August 29, 2018 @12:00 PM and 3:00 PM and the second one will be on Wednesday, September 19, 2018 @ 12:30 PM and 3:00 PM. Our August 29th sessions will be held by Lyndsey M. Berry, Financial Advisor with Ameriprise Financial Group. She will discuss topics regarding your workplace retirement benefits and how they can help you reach your retirement goals. The September 19th sessions will be held by Chris Bryan, Financial Advisor with Union Benefits Group. He will provide helpful tips on financial goal setting, retirement income planning, and wealth management. Please plan on attending one or both of these seminars. For those who need a reminder, our Union Hall is located at:
1000 E. 4th St.
Eddystone Pa. 19022
Lately, there have been employees moving and promoting to other jobs within our factory. We remind all employees if and when you apply for jobs posted on “Careers @ Boeing” please update your resume, work history, and profile on your Careers @Boeing account to demonstrate skill and ability pertaining to the job you apply for. Also, if needed you can see your HRG representative to brush up on your interviewing skills. See one of your UAW representatives for any assistance with Careers @Boeing or other concerns regarding the hiring and promotion process.
Election time is fast approaching for all of our political allies in our tri-state area. I receive many calls and visits from these folks who are looking to get re-elected and candidates who are running for the first time seeking our assistance and endorsements. Over the years many politicians came to our aid helping to keep work and procure new work at this facility. Your leadership continues to work with our political friends to remind them to remain loyal and support the efforts of UAW Local 1069. I urge all UAW members to please consider contributing to the UAW regional sponsored V-Cap fund, which helps our politicians continue their fight in growing our membership at the Ridley Park facility. Please see one of your UAW representatives to sign up and contribute to this fund. Every little bit helps.
Reminder: Our membership meeting will resume September 23, 2018, @ 10:00 AM at our union hall. Please plan to attend. Nominations will be held for two (2) open positions (Trustee and Sgt. At Arms). Also, I am sure there are many issues and concerns you wish to discuss.
In Solidarity
Michael A Tolassi
UAW Local 1069