Brothers and Sisters,
We spent the weekend going through and reviewing the Company’s “full up” proposal that was received last Thursday. As you read in the Chopper and online, we found their offer to not be up to the standard that we expected from them as a fair and equitable contract.
We have spent today putting together our counter-proposal to the Company’s last offer. This counter will be “full up” from our perspective, including our proposals for Compensation, Medical Benefits, and Non-Economic contract language changes and proposals.
We expect this week to be a tough one. We will be meeting with the Company tomorrow, Tuesday, to present our counter and explain our points to the Company so they can see the benefits of what we are proposing.
I will keep you update to date on events as best as possible. We will not be posting negotiations online as the Company has done. We made a commitment to hold to a media blackout for negotiations and will follow that commitment. Thanks for your great support!