Brothers and Sisters,
We continue to talk with the Company on the evolving issues of our negotiations. We are using our time to work out economic and non-economic issues to your benefit. As you know, we are reminded regularly by Boeing about the need to remain competitive in the marketplace in order to keep bringing work to Ridley Park.
Your Bargaining Committee is working hard and I’m proud to be a part of this team. Our Committee has members from different parts of the plant and represents the this whole membership well. All issues are in play and we’re fighting hard to hold on to what we have while adding what we can.
Through all of this, we need you to stay united as a membership as our time winds down to Saturday night at midnight. Your comments and supporting messages keep us focused and reinforces our resolve to bring back the best deal possible. We’ll keep working as long as it takes to make a deal. Stay together as one, regardless of how long you’ve been here, where you work, or any other factors.
Yours in Solidarity,