UAW Local 1069


February 6, 2015

Brothers & Sisters,

Local 1069 Benefits Rep Mike Barbacano has scheduled a seminar for information on Social Security, how to sign up for it, and how to identify the processes that will get you the maximum benefit.  Representatives from Voya financial advisors will be presenting the seminar and will be available to answer your questions about your personal situation.  Voya is the company that handles financial advice for our VIP saving plan.  They were formally known as ING.  They will also offer options on how to maximum your return on your VIP.

The sessions will be held Wednesday, Feb 11, 2015, at 12:30 and 3:30.  You don’t need to sign up ahead of time, just come to the seminar.  For those members planning to take advantage of the VSP and retiring this year, this seminar is a great way to find out what to do or to double-check yourself if you’ve already began working on your retirement income package.

One other thing to keep in mind is that there is a Retirement Modeler available through the Total Access website.  Go to Retirement and Savings, click on Manage My Retirement, then use the modeler.  Be sure to put in the right dates and figures and it will give you a pretty good idea of what your retirement income will be.

Don’t miss this chance to learn everything you can about retiring and getting the most out of your money!

Local 1069 Vet’s Committee News

It’s a very busy time of year for your Veterans Committee. With Spring fast approaching, we are making plans for a gate collection for the Walk for the Wounded as well as several other projects. There will be a meeting on Thursday February 12th at 3pm, at the Hall.  Anyone interested in attending is invited to come and we’ll add you to the email list.

We would like to hear everyone’s ideas on how to grow the Veteran’s Committee and be more active. If you have any questions, please contact me at or at 610-772-6615. Again, thanks to the membership for your continued support and we look forward to seeing you at the meeting on Tuesday.

Yours in Solidarity,

Chris Owens, President                                                         Mike Barbacano, Benefits Rep

UAW Local 1069                                                                    UAW Local 1069

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UAW Local 1069