June 5, 2015
Brothers and Sisters,
In our last set of negotiations, we were able to start a pilot program in partnership with the Company called Careers@ Boeing. This program will enable Local 1069 members to see what P&M positions are open and available in the plant. In past years, members weren’t always able to find out what areas were hiring in other parts of the plant. A member would submit a transfer request to move to another job without knowing if that job would open up at some point.
With the Careers@Boeing system, all open P&M jobs will be posted online for review by 1069 members. As part of this procedure, members will need to go into the system and complete the procedure in order to apply for an open position and be considered for the position. A member will need to go into Total Access to create a resume` that will be filed in the system to be reviewed when the member applies for a position.
To begin the process, a member would go to My Career in Total Access and click on Careers@Boeing on the page. Under the description, on the right, click on Access My Profile. Follow the directions to complete your profile. You will be prompted through the different steps of the process, including parts such as Personal Information, Educations and Certifications, Employment History, and Career Preferences, among others. Attach files as needed. Completing these steps is necessary to be considered for a position.
Company HRGs will be available to help 1069 members prepare and work on their resumes` for the process. Information included in a resume` include your objectives and a professional summary, top 5 skills and strengths, employment history and education and certifications. A good resume` can help you put your best effort forward to get the new job. Resume’ workshops will be held during off shift hours and members will need to attend a workshop better or after work. Creating and maintaining your resume` in the system is a good first step in obtaining a new job.
Since this is a pilot program, and one that members have been asking about for many years, there are bound to be a few bumps in the road along the way. We ask for your patience as this system rolls out and becomes active. Your Committeemen are receiving training in the system and can assist you in the process. Don’t miss this chance to enhance your Boeing career!
More detailed information is available about Careers@Boeing on the back page of this Chopper.
Yours in Solidarity,
Chris Owens, President
UAW Local 1069
What is Careers@Boeing?
Careers@Boeing is an online portal which provides employees with a hands-on approach to their career development and advancement with the Boeing Company. Via this system, employees will be able to create customized profiles, receive notifications for new job postings, and search and instantly apply for internal positions online.
Why Careers@Boeing?
The Company and UAW Local 1069 agreed to a two year Pilot Program for the posting and filling of all open positions represented by UAW Local 1069 using the existing Careers@Boeing enterprise tool. The Pilot Program will begin for all open positions covered by the UAW Local 1069 Collective Bargaining Agreement on Monday, July 6, 2015. During this two year pilot program this will be the only way an employee represented by UAW Local 1069 can apply for an open position covered by the UAW Local 1069 Collective Bargaining Agreement. This is a new approach, however, the filling of positions will still abide by hiring requirements as outlined in the UAW collective bargaining agreement.*
What do I need to do?
Any employee interested in applying for an open position represented by the UAW must complete a Careers@Boeing profile. If an employee needs assistance in setting up a Careers@Boeing profile they may go to one of the HR Service Centers (located in Buildings 3.92 and 3.25) or speak to a UAW Committeeman or Shop Steward.
How do I create a profile?
It is quick and easy. Go to Total Access, click on My Career and then click on the Careers@Boeing link and look for the Candidate Profile box on the right. Under the description, click on the Access my profile. Follow the directions to complete your profile. In addition, there are tips online and tip sheets available in the HR Service Center or from a Committeeman or Shop Steward.
* Hiring decisions will be made based on skill and ability, with seniority being the determining factor where the two are deemed equal.