November 26, 2019
Dear Brothers and Sisters,
I am sure many of you, as do we, have many, many questions and concerns regarding the recent allegations and federal criminal charges that were filed against some current and former members of our International UAW Leadership.
Allegations and the charges filed were that some UAW officials; “embezzled substantial funds from the UAW; hid and disguised certain expenditures of UAW funds made for their personal benefit: “failed to accurately account for certain expenditures of UAW funds, caused false, inaccurate, and/or misleading financial records to be made available to UAW’s Accounting Department, and attempted to cover up and hide their misconduct after the fact”.
I have reached out to our International Representative, Kieran Martin, Regional 9 Director, Jeff Binz, and International Vice President, Terry Dittes to share with me all information and steps that are being taken pertaining to these serious issues.
As of today, twelve (12) members of the International Executive Board have signed and filed charges against Gary Jones, President of the International Union and Vance Pearson, Director of Region 5 of the International Union with the International Secretary-Treasurer, and requested all necessary and proper proceedings promptly be commenced pursuant to Article 30 of the UAW Constitution.
Article 30 of our Constitution is titled and details how “Charges and Trials of International Officers” may be filed and the specific manners on how they are to be submitted.
Gary Jones and Vance Pearson have since resigned after an effort was launched to oust these two high ranking UAW officials.
I am awaiting further information from our International Representatives. Any and all feedback I receive will promptly be shared with all of you.
In Solidarity,
Michael A Tolassi
UAW Local 1069