July 28, 2020
Dear Brothers and Sisters,
The Company has received three (3) acceptances to their offer of the Voluntary Layoff Opportunity (VLO) in the affected Maintenance classifications that have received surplus notifications. Your UAW Leadership is actively working with Company leadership to “hold on” to our remaining three (3) employees who did receive notifications and keep them in their respective job titles. We will continue our efforts to eliminate any involuntary layoff, as this remains our #1 priority.
In addition, I urge all UAW Brothers and Sisters to please perform tasks that are only required in your respective job classifications. If unsure what is entailed in your job duties, please see one of your UAW Representatives or contact us at your union hall for what your specific job responsibilities dictate. If any manager asks of you to perform work or “buy-out” jobs that are not in your specific job requirement, please ask that manager to contact your UAW Representative. We must demand that all work be performed correctly and by the proper classifications.
Lastly, thank you for the overwhelmingly response and purchase of our UAW t-shirts. We have ordered more shirts and will offer these to our members who still have interest in getting these shirts. Once again, thank you for proudly wearing and displaying our UAW logo and our red, white and blue American flag.
Update: We continue to monitor the mandates set forth by Gov. Wolf and the State of Pennsylvania due to our COVID-19 situation. I am also in continuous contact with our UAW International for any and all additional information. At this particular time, we still are not able to hold our membership meetings or even make a plan to set any dates for these meetings. We will continue to monitor these mandates and certainly will provide our membership with new reports and additional information as it changes.
Please Stay United
In Solidarity,
Michael Tolassi
UAW Local 1069