September 14, 2021
The agenda will be as outlined in the Constitution of the UAW and the BY-Laws Of Local
1069, UAW. In addition to the regular order of business, nominations will be accepted for One (1) President, One (1)
Vice President, One (1) Recording Secretary, One (1) Financial/Benefits Rep, Three (3) Trustees, Two (2) Ex Members-At-Large, One (1) Guide, One (1) Sergeant-At-Arms, One (1) Shop Chairman, Four (4) Committeemen Northside, Four (4)Committeemen Southside. The Election will be held on Tuesday, October 12, 2021 at the Union Hall, 1000 E. Fourth Street, Eddystone, PA 19022, 5:00AM to 8:00PM. Run-off Election, if necessary, will be on Tuesday, October 19, 2021, 5:00AM to 8:00PM.
The following articles and sections of our By-Laws should be noted:
ARTICLE VII, SECTION 3.: Any member being nominated for any office, delegate, or committee
At a meeting called for such purpose, will have three (3) calendar days following the meeting to accept
or decline the nomination.
ARTICLE VII, SECTION 4: Any member accepting nomination may withdraw his or her candidacy
Provided they notify the Election Committee in writing by registered mail within a period of five (5)
work days after such nomination.
ARTICLE VII, SECTION 5: A member will not be permitted to simultaneously hold two (2) elective
offices. If a member holding an elective office, the term of which is not expiring, desires to become a
candidate for another elective office, such member must notify the local union of his/her resignation
from his/her present office sufficiently in advance of the nomination meeting to permit nomination
and election of candidates for both offices during the same election. Such resignation would become
effective at the time of installation.
ARTICLE VII, SECTION 6: Eligibility of all members nominated must be verified by the Financial
Secretary-Treasurer/Benefits Representative.
ARTICLE VIII, SECTION 4: No member shall be eligible for election as an Executive Officer of the local
Union until he/she has been a member in continuous good standing in the local union for one (1) year
prior to the nomination.
ARTICLE XII, SECTION 2A: No member shall be eligible for election to the Shop Committee of the local
Union until he/she has been a Member in continuous good standing in the local union for one (1) year
Immediately prior to the date of nomination as verified by the Financial Secretary-Treasurer/Benefits
Michael Tolassi, Jack Connolly, George Donahue,
President Election Committee Chairman Recording Secretary