December 17, 2021
Dear Sisters and Brothers,
Your UAW Bargaining Committee along with the Boeing Company have reached an agreement to “modify” portions of Article XI (Rates of Pay) of our Collective Bargaining Agreement (CBA) at our continuous insistence.
Effective December 17, 2021, the Company will increase the Base Rate of any Table 1 employees making less than the Table 2 Single Rate to the Table 2 Single Rate of their current Labor Grade.
Effective December 17, 2021, the Company will increase the Base Rate for each Table 2 employee who is below the Table 2 Single Rate of the employee’s current Labor Grade to the applicable Table 2 Single Rate.
The Company will adjust the Base Rate of any Table 1 employee promoted, recalled, or demoted during this Agreement to at least the Table 2 Single Rate applicable to the employee’s new labor Grade.
The Company agrees to pay $3,000 to Table 2 employees who were loaned from Assembler-Sheetmetal B (18A06A) to Assembler-Sheetmetal A (18B08A) from June 1, 2021, through the date of the signing of this Agreement. Only those employees who were on active loans during this duration will receive this differential.
In addition, the Union and the Company agree to meet and confer regarding the execution and application of this Agreement should any disagreements arise.
For more details regarding this agreement, please see your UAW Local 1069 representative.
Also, there will be a Cost-of-living Adjustment (COLA) for this quarter in the amount of $0.21 effective January 7, 2022. The current maximum COLA amount for this unit is $1.84.
Lastly, your UAW Local 1069 Leadership Team wishes all of you and your families a Merry Christmas and Happy New Year. Be safe and enjoy your time off.
Always remain UAW Local 1069 strong
In Solidarity,
Michael Tolassi
UAW Local 1069