April 17, 2023
Dear Brothers and Sisters,
Starting April 15, 2023, union represented employees may request a shift preference to another shift to a job within their job classification and Center (CBA Article 8, Section 20).
• The Spring 2023 open period for filing a shift preference request runs from April 15, 2023 through April 30, 2023. It will be posted in Between the Blades for the duration of the open period. The link will be posted on the Labor Relations website on the 15th as well.
• If an employee has been on his/her shift for six months, he/she may request a transfer to another shift to a job within his/her job classification and Center.
• If such job is held by a less senior employee for at least six months, the transfer shall be made within 30 days of the request for such transfer.
• The company is not required to transfer more than 10% of personnel in each job classification, in each Center (North side/South side), on any shift, in any calendar month.
• Employees must file a request (the form will be posted on the Philadelphia Labor Relations website, (http://hr.web.boeing.com/index.aspx?com=64&id=1). Employees must use an electronic form which is submitted and received immediately by Labor Relations.
• Employees will receive a confirmation e-mail within 48 hours of their submittal.
• The electronic form must be submitted via the Labor Relations website no later than April 30, 2023.
• If an employee submits more than one request, the final request will be used.
• Failing to withdraw a request will result in an employee being moved to the requested shift (based on seniority). To withdraw a request, employees must submit an email to GRP Ridley Park Labor Relations.
On January 6, 2023 we received a $0.01 Cost of Living Adjustment (COLA) from the previous quarter, On April 14, 2023 you will have received a Cost of Living Adjustment (COLA) of an additional $0.04 for a total year to date of $0.05.
Just a reminder the veterans committee is in the process of taking orders for their Memorial Day T-shirt. If you did not receive an order form, please see your shop stewards. Orders will be taken no later than Friday April 21, 2023. Return your order form and money to your shop stewards. This is a Pre-order only!
I’m sure everyone has heard the Government Accountability Office (GAO) has denied Team Defiant’s protest of the U.S. Army’s Future Long-Range Assault Aircraft (FLRAA) decision. We have been in contact with our local Congressional Representatives requesting assistance to bring work into our facility.
Reminder that our monthly General Membership meeting will be held on Sunday April 23, 2023 at 10:00 AM at the Hall. Nominations for the General Election will be held at this meeting. Please plan to attend.
In Solidarity,
Michael Barbacano
Financial Secretary/Benefits Representative