October 11, 2023
The agenda will be as outlined in the Constitution of the UAW and the By-Laws Of Local
1069, UAW. In addition to the regular order of business, nominations will be accepted for Five (5) or more Election Committee members. The election will take place during the meeting.
The following articles and sections of our By-Laws should be noted:
Article IX, Section 3 – The Election Committee shall be composed of five (5) or more members. The Election Committee shall be nominated and elected at the October meeting following the general election.
There will be a vote on the proposed By-Law changes listed below.
Article VIII Section #4
(Election Rules)
No member shall be eligible for any UAW Local 1069 elected position/office until he/she has been a member in continuous good standing in the Local Union for one (1) year immediately prior to nomination.
(Proposed Amendment)
In addition, to become effective June 1, 2024, he/she must have attended six (6) different regular monthly meetings held during the preceding 12-month period ending the date of the close of nominations.
Article XV Section #10
(Shop Stewards)
A Shop Steward’s term of office shall be for a three (3) year period, in accordance with the International Constitution.
(Proposed Amendment)
Nominations for Shop Steward will be held the month following installation of Executive Officers, Shop Chairman, and Shop Committee.
Thomas Lyons Robert Tiffany, Jason Bonacquisti,
President Election Committee Chairman Recording Secretary