November 15, 2023
Dear Brothers and Sisters,
On October 23, 2023, the Company declared a surplus and with the help of 25 employees accepting the Voluntary Layoff (LVO) it has been mitigated down to 63 Union employees. Good luck and thank you for saving the jobs of less senior employees from getting surplused now or possibly in the future. For the 63 Brothers and Sisters who will be involuntarily laid off or dispositioned to a lower classification I can assure you, we your Bargaining committee will continue to talk with the Company to get the surpluses or downgrades mitigated and or cancelled.
For those affected by the upcoming involuntary surplus, there will be “Rapid Response” sessions to assist all affected member. These sessions will be held in the Chinook PMO room on Tuesday, November 21st, 2023, with two meeting times: the 1st shift meeting will be from 1:15 PM to 2:15 PM, and the second shift meeting will be from 2:45 PM to 3:45 PM. Representatives from Unemployment Compensation and CareerLink will provide information on job training, job placement, receiving state services, and applying for unemployment benefits. We strongly urge all affected employees to attend one of these sessions.
On Friday, October 27th, 2023, UAW Local 1069 held its Annual Charity Golf Outing at Deerfield Country Golf Club, with all proceeds going to the Objective Zero Foundation. Objective Zero Foundation is an organization connecting the military community to mental health and wellness resources and to a network of peer and civilian supporters to prevent veteran suicide. The total amount raised was $4,917.00. Thanks to all who participated and to all the sponsors who contributed to this much-needed organization. Special thanks go to Matt Rogers, Mike Tolassi, Steve Gregg, Ally Hold, Rob Tiffany, Adrianne Cruz, and everyone else who helped make this a great day with friends and co-workers.
Due to the 4th Sunday of this month, November 26, 2023, falling on the Thanksgiving Day Holiday weekend and next month the 4th Sunday, December 24,2023 falling on the Christmas Holiday shutdown, a motion was made at the last membership meeting to combine both General Membership Meetings. Our next General Membership Meeting will be Sunday December 3, 2023 at 10:00 am. All are encouraged to attend.
In Solidarity,
Thomas Lyons
UAW Local 1069