December 20, 2023
Dear Brothers and Sisters,
On Wednesday, December 13, 2023 our International Representative John Mozzani along with Committeemen Jim Rugh and Vince Marvel traveled to Washington, D.C. to meet with Congressman Norcross (NJ), Congresswoman Scanlon (PA), Congresswoman Houlahan (PA) and Congressman Casey’s (PA) staff. In their meetings they discussed Block II needing to be signed, procurement of V-22’s and the awarding of the next lot of CCRAM’s. They explained the urgency to keep the work we have and lobby to bring new work to Ridley Park. If we can get assistance from them it could help alleviate any future surpluses and aid in the recall of our current laid off Brothers and Sisters. There was good dialogue with our Representatives. They assured us they were in contact with The Boeing Company and expressed to them our concerns. Future trips are being planned to meet with other Political Representatives to convey our needs and concerns. We will keep you posted.
On Saturday, December 9th the Community Service Committee and Women’s Committee hosted their Annual Toy Drive and Lunch with Santa. The day turned out to be another successful event, enjoying time with your co-workers, friends and family. The kids enjoyed doing arts and crafts with the Women’s Committee. Lots of toys were collected and donated to local charities and shelters. They will be put to good use this holiday season. Thank you to all our members who continue to generously donate toys and take the time to stop by and get their picture with Santa. Thank you to Mike Giovanetti “aka” Santa for another outstanding job.
Thursday and Friday we had our UAW Local 1069 Christmas Gate Collection. A total of $3,670 dollars was collected and will be used to purchase supermarket gift cards that will be sent out to our Members who are out on an extended Medical Leave of Absence (MLOA). Thank you to Tommy Lyons our Community Service Committee Chair and to all our Brothers and Sisters who collected and braved those cold mornings on the gates. A special thank you to all employees who generously donated.
Effective January 19, 2024, there will be a quarterly Cost of Living Adjustment (COLA) in
the amount of $0.07. The current maximum COLA amount for this unit is $0.44.
Reminder: The next General Membership Meeting will be Sunday January 28, 2024, at 10:00 AM
Your UAW Leadership and I wish our Brothers and Sisters a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year. Enjoy the time with your family and friends most of all be safe!
In Solidarity,
Thomas Lyons, President
UAW Local 1069